I'm on a yahoo group about workboxes for homeschooling our children and recently there has been a lot of discussion about workboxes for Mom. It actually makes me chuckle a bit because I started a simple workbox for myself before I started workboxes for my children.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mom's Workbox
4:42 PM

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Math U See - Addition Facts
At my house, we're using the Math U See program. I have to tell you that I really wish I'd learned math this way! One thing I'm going to be fanatical about with my children is math drills. As such, I'm currently drilling in the addition facts. My children are learning them via the Math U See method of introducing them (Alpha lessons 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 17).
I am blessed to have an iPhone and for Christmas this past year, my daughter received an iTouch. Lucky us, we get to use the free Quizlet software with our $2 application purchase for our apple products. That means I can put any flash cards I can make online on our iPhone or iTouch devices.
I just made up flash cards for all the addition facts over at Quizlet.com. Click that link and you'll see all the flash cards I made. (If the link fails, visit quizlet.com and search Math U See. All of mine will be under the user name faithfulmommy.) When I whipped them up, I made them according to the MUS lessons so they are not set up in a traditional method. As you go through the alpha program, you can add the appropriate flash cards to your device according to what your child has just learned. Now, here is the really cool part... even if you don't have an apple device you can print these cards off! I've just done that myself so I can drill the cards any 'ole time I like via the good old fashion hard copy flash card method. Print them off, glue the back, fold them in half and you have yourself some flash cards! Yahoo! Easy Peasy. Naturally, I laminated mine because if something doesn't move at my house, I might just laminate it... Ha!
Here they are in all their glory...
I hope it serves you!
1:16 PM

Monday, July 19, 2010
First day of school
Last week our children were away visiting the grandparents for the week. What a blessing to have an entire week to prepare for homeschool! I started the week by attending our local homeschool convention. Who in their right mind would think that I would enjoy that so much?! I purchased some curriculum, I listened to some speakers and I learned a few good tips for ways to run our school. The remainder of the week I laminated until I thought I broke the machine, I read ideas all over the internet, I printed, I planned and I scheduled.
I've decided to run school in six week cycles here at our house. I've also decided to use Sue Patrick's Workbox system.
I don't like the idea of using shoe boxes because not everything fits in the shoe boxes. I don't like the idea of some of my workbooks and projects not fitting into the box properly so I went on a hunt to find just the right boxes for my house. Thanks to my friend Julia, I found these cool boxes over at my local Dollar Tree. When turned one way, they nest into each other. When turned opposite ways, they stack. Super cool. Big enough for most of my projects, tidy when the day is complete.
10:28 AM

Saturday, June 26, 2010
E is for EXCITED!
It's been a super awesome week here at my house!
A few updates for you. We named our school! We are now The Halls of Learning. Seems appropriate since our last name is Hall. I even made the kids their own ID cards - complete with school logo. Laminated them and everything. That actually happened a couple weeks back but I'm just now getting around to writing about it here. It's much more fun to order things for our "school" now that it's named. LOL.
So, this week I went to the local Classical Conversations parent practicum. In the spring, I ordered the Foundations guide, the History Cards and the Cycle 1 items that compliment the curriculum. We enjoyed it but we were doing it on our own without participating in the local co-op. We visited the co-op one day and decided it would likely be a good fit for our family. To be honest, in order for me to be able to afford the fee I needed to sign up to tutor. Luckily for me, they had a space for me.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I went to the parent practicum in the morning and tutor training in the afternoon. I'm even more excited about the program now than I was before! I have some new tools to help drill my children on the information and I have a new desire to give my children a classical education. Frankly, I think I'm going to finally get an education too. I was schooled before but now I'm going to get educated. There is so much to learn and my feeble old brain is pretty excited to tackle it all.
While I was in all this training, my kids were all in camps. They did educational things in the camps but they had a LOT of fun. All three of my kids came home talking about new friends and fun projects. It was $33 per kid to participate in the camps for 3 days. Eleven bucks a day. Wow. I couldn't have hired a sitter for all that - much less expected the level of education and entertainment that they got.
Now - another fun thing I've heard about but recently started to explore... WORKBOXES! I know, they are all the rage and you've already heard about them, haven't you. Well, I've been up LATE these last two nights searching the internet about this. I won't do a big write up about them because there is so much else out there that is far better to explain the process. But - in all your workbox searching - make sure you check out this list.
Many ideas of things to put in your workboxes. Mostly for early elementary ages.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the lady who started the whole phenomenon talk about it at the homeschool convention that is coming to my area in two weeks. Wanna join me?
The lady who started it all is Sue Patrick. And the convention where I will be attending and she will be speaking is the Northern Virginia Home Education Conference that will take place in Chantilly Virginia on July 9-10. I can't wait!
Personally, I'm going to start saving my pennies to buy some workboxes from Joann's with my coupouns. I intend to buy these because I think they will serve my space and my needs best.
I'm super excited about this method of planning my school day and helping my kid(s) get the most bang for their school day buck.
My intention is to start our school day with bible reading, family story time, and Classical Conversations drill/review before sending the children to their boxes for the remainder of the day.
I'm super charged about the opportunity to sit down (in two weeks) to plan our our next six week cycle. I've decided to plan our school year to be year round in six week cycles. Six real weeks on and one light week while Mom plans the next six weeks. That's how I'm tackling it right now. As with all homeschool planning, plan for change too! LOL. Anyway, we're getting into our groove still as we're so new to this adventure. But I'm totally excited!!
10:37 AM

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Egg-cellent experiments
Looking for some fun science to share with your kiddos this summer? Try this site to see what you can find. I heard about it from my friend Anna-Marie. I'm going to try some with my crew!
She suggested "go under the section related experiments to find the egg in the bottle trick."
Will do! Thanks!
1:08 PM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
3:48 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010
Home manager
I don't know about you but I really need to get a handle on this job of mine. I went to Costco on Saturday and spent $236. Doesn't sound so bad to some people I know but I went over the budget my husband sent me with.
Yes, I bought a rice cooker that I could have done without. However, I've been talking about a rice cooker for ages and I decided that was the day to get it. (Along with 25 lbs. of rice.) In addition I bought a shelter umbrella thing (http://sklz.com/umbrella/sport-brella?gclid=CInarbHJ2aECFY9M5QodjzQgIg) which is something I tried to buy last year but they were sold out. (PS - they are $40 at Costco versus $60 that I've seen everywhere else.)
SO, yes... I could have saved $70 from that purchase total but I don't think I was extravagant in my purchases. Everything else was food and household management. Now that I've gone over budget, I don't have any cash for the regular old grocery run that I might need to make.
It is time for me to figure out how to build up a pantry (in the basement) for a longer term supply of items than just one week's worth. Buying groceries at Giant one week at a time is expensive. We went on Friday and bought about two days worth of food and spend over $100! That's crazy.
Soo... on my hunt for ideas I've found The Frugal Girl's blog. (http://www.thefrugalgirl.com/) She seems to have some good ideas that I'm going to try. But if you have any other sites or ideas about helping me get our food budget under control and how to manage my home more effectively, PLEASE SHARE! I need to know.
9:16 AM