Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Downtown Disney - Lego Store

We took a trip to Disney World last week. It was a ton of fun and you can expect to see more about the trip here on this 'ole blog. To start with, I'll share about our Lego experience. (Come on, you knew I was gonna start with Legos...)

Knowing the trip was coming up, we decided to incorporate some of the money that would be spent at Disney World into Christmas gifts. This served two purposes, teaching our children a bit about delayed gratification and also defraying some of the cost of Christmas. Each child was given a golden ticket (shown above) that I made here at home explaining that they could pick out one Lego set at the biggest Lego store in the US while we were at Downtown Disney. This trick worked amazingly well! Each child picked out a set that was about $50 in value. (Ashlee's was a bit more but she has proven that she will care for it better than the boys too.)

Today I'm going to share with you the set that Mason picked out. It is so charming! We've all had a great time playing with it over these last two days. It's Woody's Roundup - a newly released set.

Here you can see the entire set from the front. It includes the Sheriff's office, the jail and a gold mine.

First we have Stinky Pete in handcuffs standing outside the jail next to his wanted poster. By the way, what exactly does Disney have against the name Pete? That's two bad guys named Pete in the Disney collection. Sorry - got a little distracted there...

Here is Jessie standing next to the cactus and snake with another set of handcuffs in case another bad guy wanders into the scene...

I love the horse and the water trough. The details that Lego puts into these sets always amazes me.

Here is the back of the Sheriff's office with a bank safe upstairs.

I love that the safe actually opens and has money in it! Again... those details that Lego is so good at.

Here you can see the back side of the jail. Fairly plain - until.....

Stinky Pete has an accomplice on the outside who turns the wheel and the whole back wall blows off! Some fun action there for my little people to enjoy actually playing with the set!

The Gold Mine actually has a bit of gold in it for your miner to find.

And one of my favorite touches, the little lantern above the mine. How creative are these folks who design these things?! I don't think I could ever come up with this stuff but I love that it can inspire my little Lego designers to think bigger than what the brick actually looks like on it's own.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it many more times. I {heart} Legos.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


"Boys are active verbs: throw, choke, love, smash, hug, collect, love, dig, kiss, bounce." -Mrs. G via Pioneer Woman's blog.

Yep, that about sums it up. Although my girl is an action verb too... most days.

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