We made it out for our adventure to the Lego store this weekend! We had no idea but during the hour that we arrived, they were having all the Star Wars characters in the store for shoppers to meet to help launch the Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary. Too bad they had sold out of the book by the time we arrived. Still, it was a total highlight for the kids!
Mason was scared to death of Darth so he would NOT get in this picture to save my soul. The other kids were quite pleased though. I think this picture is going to be framed for a certain little boys room. (After I figure out where I went wrong with that light balance.)

Despite the look of some of these pictures, the store was PACKED! I was actually pretty glad we were there toward the end of the event because it was physically difficult to move around and look at the products! Once the hour was winding down, it got easier to go find what I was looking for.

Here is the one character Mason would appear with - as long as Grammy was in the picture too. (That white balance thing again - no one was actually sick even though they might look it in these pictures.)

I thought it was fun to see some of the creations the store employees had created. Some were from the kits but several were freestyle and pretty inspiring. I thought a Lego pumpkin was a great idea! If I had more orange bricks, I might attempt one. Maybe we'll have a collection by next year.

Since the store is about an hour away, I won't be going back too frequently. That's why we loaded up on some items for our collection. I had a list of things we needed and then I let the kids pick out $10 worth of kit stuff each.

Case is celebrating a birthday next month so Grammy went ahead and let him pick out his birthday present while we were there. The boy is so excited to put it together! Pictures to come of the finished creation.