Before our homeschool adventure began, I'd purchased a comprehensive 3rd grade curriculum to "try out" homeschooling my daughter over the summer between second and third grade. Turns out, I began using it sooner than I'd originally thought.
I can't really complain about the curriculum I purchased but when it came to the spelling/vocabulary words it provided as a comprehensive list for my child, it was *way* too easy for her. Even half way through second grade, it did nothing to challenge her.
Last night I was reading through another homeschool blog ( where she mentioned using Wordly Wise 3000. I went off to check it out and discovered it might be a good fit for my child. I ordered the third grade workbook, key and test booklets on ebay for about $25 including shipping.
You can find out more about this program at
I guess the parent company who makes this curriculum also makes Explode the Code. I've heard good things about that too - although I haven't investigated that yet. One thing I really like is that on the page I listed above, under downloads, you can find a word list by level of each word used in the program. In addition to that, you can visit where you can go through each lesson with your child and then play games. Both of these options are free! Gotta love that.
Ashlee and I sat through the lesson on line for Book 2 lesson 1 today. It was short enough to hold her attention but long enough to go over 9 or 10 vocabulary words while requiring the child to repeat the word aloud and then answer a yes/no, true/false, a) or b) style question about each word covered. My four year old was also interested in the lesson which I thought was pretty cool.
I think I'm going to make some 3x5 cards with all the words from Book 2 and their definitions and play with that until my Book 3 gets here.
I love finding new quality material out there! I hope you find it useful too - even if you don't end up buying the books.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wordly Wise 3000
3:38 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Bippity Boppity Boutique
While at Disney last month, I'd hoped to take my daughter to the Bippity Boppity Boutique. It never worked out but while at Downtown Disney she became a princess anyway. We stood just outside the boutique and Alessandra sprinkled my girl with fairy dust and said the magic words and she became a princess right before my eyes! It was one of those moments that I'll treasure when I remember the trip. Thank you Alessandra - wherever you are.
10:02 AM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Break Free
9:49 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New look for Lightning Igniting
Did you notice? Did ya, did ya? I put up a new template for this blog. The old one was just too dull. Sorry Blogger!
I've been wanting something better for awhile but it wasn't easy finding a template that wasn't *so* girlie. I found just what I was looking for over at Split Decisionz. Click on the "free stuff" tab and see what she has to offer. Super cute stuff! And she looks a LOT more polished than many of the other blogger templates I found...
Go ahead... snazz up your own blog! You know you want to!
6:40 PM
Mother's Day is coming
My parents do a LOT of traveling. Either driving between their two homes, driving between their home and visiting me or vacationing. They have this little travel pillow they keep in the car for naps on the road and at a recent visit, it was somehow left at my house. It wasn't very pretty so I decided to spruce it up with a pillow case just for it. My mom loves yellow but I was afraid a yellow pillowcase would show dirt too easily. Above is the front and below is the back. You can make this, as I did, from two fat quarters (available at any fabric store but on sale for $.99 each at Joann's this week). If you want the body of the pillowcase to be the same on both sides, use three fat quarters.
I'm your special travel pillow
I was made with lots of care,
Each stitch around my pillow case
Was sewn with love and prayer.
You can take me with you when you go
To places near and far
Cruises to exotic lands
Or just road trips in the car.
12:06 PM