The honeymoon is over. Yes, homeschool is more real now. I still think it's fun and I'm still glad we're doing it, but this has been the week when I felt first hand that it's not always joy and sunshine. So, I took a break. We still did school, but I spent a lot of time doing stuff for myself this week too. First, I started learning about gardening. I'm looking forward to all this snow melting and getting out in the dirt! The studies of gardening counts as teacher workdays because the kids will be helping with the garden and composting too.
Today, after a bit of school, I went to my sewing room. Well, "room" is a bit of a stretch. I went to the unfinished basement where all my creative goodies have been banished to make room for the school room. Still worth it, but I'm allowed to have a moment of longing for a pretty craft room, right? {sigh} Okay, on with the post.
This past Sunday at church, I got to care for the third baby of one of my friends while I served in the nursery. While Mom and I were chatting, she casually mentioned in passing that this baby had nothing made for him as we were recalling a beautiful pink blanket that had been made for her daughter. A little further in the conversation, we were talking about attachment items for babies and she said this baby didn't have one yet. She commented that his favorite way to fall asleep appears to be pulling a burp cloth over his face and snuggling in with it. Mom naturally didn't want to see her sweet baby boy attach himself to a ugly burp cloth!
With that conversation, I made him two burp cloth sized attachment blankets. On the front, it's cotton with blue, green and light brown stripes. I embroidered his name and stitched a dark brown ribbon and a light blue ribbon. On the back is blue fleece with a tan satin ribbon.

And here they are all folded up and ready for presentation. Ahhh. I feel much better now. If you are a homeschooling mom, don't feel bad to sometimes put school on hold to make yourself happy. You'll be a better mother and teacher if you take care of yourself too.